
[ 法人研修担当者必読 ] 企業英語研修で従業員をやる気にさせるコツ5選


しかし英語研修と言っても、「従業員が真面目に取り組んでくれるか分からない」「しっかり成果を出してほしい」という様々な不安や願望を研修担当者は抱えているはず。 そして、どんな優れたプログラムやサービスでも、研修で成果を出すための最大のカギは従業員一人一人の継続にあるものです。


In previous posts, we’ve talked about ways to keep yourself motivated while learning English—by setting personal goals, for example.

But what if you need to motivate someone else?

If you’re an employer whose team members need to improve their English skills, you need to know how to make sure everyone stays on track.

In this article, we’ll talk about how you can encourage your employees to commit to learning English!

1. Choose the right program

The first thing you’ll need to do when choosing an English course for your employees is to figure out what kind will fit their needs.

Ask yourself why you want your employees to learn English: Will they need to learn very specific terminology for your industry, or just general vocabulary? Considering the type of English they’ll need to learn will help you pick the right kind of course.

Another thing to think about is how the lessons will be delivered. Will it be possible for your staff to attend in-person classes, or does it make more sense for them to learn online?

2. Make it a priority

It’s easy enough to say to your employees, “You will be participating in this English course, and I want you all to commit to it.” However, it can be a huge challenge for an employee to focus on English lessons on top of their day-to-day work and other responsibilities. They simply won’t have the time or energy.

If possible, give employees some time during the workweek to focus on their lessons—whether that means signing onto an app, reviewing materials, or practicing with a colleague.

3. Offer rewards and incentives

Everyone loves to be recognized for their accomplishments! What better way to do that than with a little friendly competition?

To keep employees motivated, try organizing competitions between staff members. For example, you could set a learning goal for the month and reward employees who meet the goal at the end of that month. The reward doesn’t have to be extravagant—you could offer a free lunch or a longer break one day, for example. Having competitions like these are a fun, no-stress way to keep employees focused on their learning goals.

4. Explain the benefits

If your team members don’t really understand why they need to improve their English skills, they likely won’t care if they succeed or not.

Take some time to have a question-and-answer session with your team. During this time, you can explain the reasons for your decision—how will learning English benefit your employees? Make sure you also give team members a chance to ask any questions they may have.

5. Offer practice opportunities

Learning with a professional English coach is a great starting point, but your employees will also benefit from some additional practice.

Try organizing occasional sessions where colleagues can practice what they’ve learned with each other. How you do this is up to you. For example, you could put employees in pairs or groups and provide some English conversation questions for them to discuss. Or, you could have employees make short presentations for their colleagues about a topic that interests them. Whatever you do, make sure the activity matches their skill level so they don’t get discouraged. And don’t forget to keep it light and enjoyable!

Gabby’s professional coaches can help

Getting your employees excited about English can be a challenge. As a first step, get in touch with Gabby Academy to learn how we can help your staff start improving their English today.

引用:How to Get Your Employees Excited About English / Andrea Byaruhanga


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